Part 1
- John Jacobs - Welcome
- Susanna Louhimies - Challenges in implementation of EU directive Animal Research
- Martje Fentener van Vlissingen - Challenges in implementation in the Netherlands
- Jennifer de Beyer - Validity of human clinical trials
- Harald Schmidt - Validity of animal studies for medicine
- Christopher Chambers - Reporting of human clinical trials
- Nathalie Percie du Sert - Experimental design, analysis and reporting of animal studies
- Jean Philippe de Jong - Improving reproducibility
- Olaf Dekkers - Population diversity in clinical trials
- Maroeska Roovers - Individual patient data analysis in meta-analysis
- John Jacobs - Federa Award
- Federa Award Lecture for Janneke Horn
- Presentation cahier BWM ´Proeven op mensen”